
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The anger boils

I know no one is reading this. I just need to vent. :(

After the investigator came Kate left with her boyfriend and has not been home since. Jeff got multiple phone messages each day that she had not reported to school. ( She's 18 so there is not much we can do).
I did manage to talk to her one day. I tried to explain how much I care and that she's not making good choices. No outcome.
One of her little friends had the nerve to tell me to back off because "I'm not her mom".  ( What are parents teaching their children about respect now a days?) I, in a professional manner, put her in her place.
Eventually she called Jeff and explained she decided she was not going to come home. He is distraught but tries hard to put on a hard exterior.
I left kate a simple " :(" which lead her mother to call Jeff and ask that "I not get involved and leave her alone." Of course then he gets mad because he doesn't want to hear from her. So I finally felt like setting it straight. I let her know that he is tired of being in the middle and I'm tired of her trying to induce drama. If she has a problem with me, she can confront me like an adult. She in turn tried to say I caused the drama and called Jeff again complaining. I told her that was my point exactly. She's not mature enough to just talk to me, she doesn't show me respect ( wonder where Kate got it?).

Anyway. She has now moved in with boyfriend issue #2. She is still not showing up to school, we know because the school sends automated messages to Jeff's phone. When he called to talk to the councilor she had 3 or 4 F's in her classes. I'm so mad I can't even begin to express it. Its boiling inside of me. She took a lot of her clothes but there is a mass of crap all over her room. I wanted to go in and trash what needed to be throw away ( you should see the tissues on the floor and a pile of empty cigarette boxes???)  But he wouldn't let me. I keep trying to get him to turn off her cell phone but he keeps saying " soon". I'm tired of her using him and he just goes along with it. Today she even deleted the two of us of her facebook. Yet she is still talking to his ex on the phone on a regular basis. This further proves my point that while the EX told us she does not support what Kate is doing, Kate told me that she does. If the EX was really on our side and trying to enforce the sames things we are, Kate would "hate" her too.

I'm so done. I don't want to see her smug face anymore. Her or her mother's.